I hope everyone is having a nice plague
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven’t been posting lately. The good news is that I’ve been busy, the bad news is because, well, we’re living in fear of a horrible deadly virus.
So, journalism being the stable career its known for, I have been home for the last three weeks. Turns out newspapers need revenue to pay their reporters (who knew, am I right?) and businesses tend not to take out very many ads in newspapers when everyone is stuck at home and half of civilization is shut down. So, long story short: I’ve been at home without pay until my papers’ owners decide its feasible to bring everyone back to work.
However, this did give me days on end to write and I’m pleased to announce I finished the manuscript for “Northbridge &Co.” I’m showing the completed draft around to friends and family members and I’ll be looking for beta readers soon. If anyone is interested, make sure you shoot me an email.
If you’re curious about “Northbridge & Co.,” check out the page.
Stay safe,